Going Over Aggravated DUI Charges
On Behalf of Law Office of Michael A. Schillinger, Esq.
January 22, 2022
Criminal Defence
If a law enforcement official pulls you over and you fail a sobriety test, you could face many different hardships. Aside from the stress and anxiety that often come with drunk driving charges, many people struggle due to losing their driving privileges, paying steep fines and even spending time behind bars. Moreover, these allegations can also shatter careers and personal relationships.
In some instances, people face even harsher penalties for driving drunk, such as those charged with aggravated DWI due to an especially high blood alcohol content level.
When Do Drivers Face Aggravated DWI Charges?
The Department of Motor Vehicles states that in New York, those driving with a BAC level of .18 or greater could face aggravated DWI charges. It is important to note that various factors can affect a driver’s BAC level, and some people find themselves in this position without realizing that their BAC level is so high. Aside from how much one drinks, other factors can impact their BAC level, such as the amount of time between drinks, their gender, their body weight and how much food they have in their stomach.
What Are the Penalties for Aggravated DWI?
The DMV points out that those charged with aggravated DWI for the first time could have their license revoked for one year, face a fine of up to $2,500 and spend up to one year behind bars. Those charged with aggravated DWI for the second time could face a $5,000 fine and four years behind bars, while those charged for the third time could spend as many as seven years behind bars and face a fine of up to $10,000.
Contact an Attorney If You Are Facing DWI Charges
If you are facing aggravated DWI charges, you need to immediately review your options. Hiring an effective DWI attorney is the best step take you can take to protect yourself. Contact my office to get started.