While working full time for a U.S. Congressman, I obtained two degrees from St. John’s University, a Bachelor of Science in legal studies and a Juris Doctorate. Before graduating summa cum laude from St. John’s University’s undergraduate program, I captained the University’s trial competition team, helping our coaches successfully lead us through numerous trial competitions.
While attending St. John’s University School of Law, I served as the Executive Director on the board of the Polestino Trial Advocacy Institute. During my time as a member of the institute, I competed in a number of national trial competitions, placing in most of them, including the John Marshall Law School/American Bar Association Criminal Justice Trial Competition, where my team ranked second.
After graduating from St. John’s University School of Law, I became a prosecutor in Queens County under the Honorable Richard A. Brown. During my tenure as a prosecutor, I investigated and prosecuted numerous cases, ranging from misdemeanors to serious felony offenses. As a prosecutor, I often received these cases immediately after arraignment and handled them to their conclusion, granting me both the experience and knowledge of how the District Attorney’s Office will handle your case, and how to negotiate with the D.A. in order to minimize the penalties you may face.