College students face many daily stressors. When you pile on potential legal trouble, the anxiety can become overwhelming. Facing criminal charges while away at school not only means facing penalties from the State, but also facing other consequences like academic suspension or expulsion from your college or university.
When legal trouble puts your future in jeopardy, preparing a solid defense strategy is crucial. Schedule to meet with a hard-working Astoria student defense lawyer today to ensure that you have the help you need to defend yourself against both the criminal charges, and the disciplinary proceedings. Our trusted criminal defense attorneys are here for you.
Common Student Defense Arrest Cases
Some of the most common student defense cases involve arrests for the following:
- Assault
- Stalking
- Sex crimes
- Possessing stolen property
- Driving a vehicle while intoxicated
- Possession of marijuana or other drug charges
A student defense attorney in Astoria can investigate your case thoroughly. When you reach out to us, our team will review the State’s evidence, the grounds for the arrest, and help you create an effective defense strategy.
Codes of Conduct for Colleges and Universities
Most colleges and universities have campus rules, values, and codes of conduct that all students must adhere to or risk facing penalties. These regulations strictly prohibit students from engaging in illegal activities while they are enrolled at the school.
If you are arrested, the school will likely receive notification from law enforcement. Once this happens, they will likely begin the administration resolution process and disciplinary proceedings that the student will need to complete. This process is separate from the criminal proceedings the student will face. A seasoned defense attorney in Astoria can represent the student throughout the criminal case and help reach a favorable resolution for the administrative proceedings.
New York’s Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Statute
Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated can lead to severe penalties and consequences for students. According to New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1192, it is unlawful for any person to drive a car with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, drunk driving charges can range from a misdemeanor, all the way to a serious felony. In fact, a drunk driving conviction could even mean potentially ending up with a permanent criminal record. Other potential penalties can also include jail time, probation, fines, suspension or revocation of a person’s driver’s license, ignition interlock device requirements, etc.
The Zero Tolerance Law
The state of New York follows a zero-tolerance law for motorists under the legal drinking age of 21. When police officers stop a driver who is under 21 for a suspected DWI, and they have a BAC of 0.02 percent or higher, they are subject to all the DWI penalties described under the above statute.
The Implied Consent Law
Any person using the public streets, parking lots, and roadways gives their implied consent when an officer of the laws suspects they are driving while intoxicated. This means that by using the public roadways, we agree to submit to a breathalyzer test when faced with certain circumstances. Refusing to take a breathalyzer test or failing to comply with any other lawful request can lead to an automatic license revocation and other punishments under the statute. Our Astoria student defense lawyers can help you determine the best steps to take in your situation.
Schedule a Consultation With an Astoria Student Defense Attorney Today
When you are a student in Astoria facing criminal charges, the stakes are high. That is why it is critical to prepare to fight for your rights immediately.
Mike Schillinger is a fierce advocate ready to fight for your freedom and the most favorable outcome in your criminal case. As an experienced attorney in Astoria, he can vigorously defend you throughout the school proceedings to achieve the best potential outcome in your case. If you need help planning a solid defense strategy, call today to schedule a consultation and begin collaborating with us ASAP.