Can One DWI Ruin My Child’s Future?

Criminal Defense

March 10, 2022
Criminal Defence
Can One DWI Ruin My Child’s Future?

You have worked hard for years to ensure your children have a better life. You raised them to be responsible and respect their elders. You made sure they always completed their homework and kept good grades. Your kids are on a path to college. Then one day, you receive an unimaginable phone call. The police

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What Happens at an Arraignment?

Criminal Defense

February 8, 2022
Criminal Defence
What Happens at an Arraignment?

When someone is arrested, they’re either transported to Court for the arraignment, or are issued a Desk Appearance Ticket or Summons and have to return to be arraigned on a later date. Either way, this can be a terrifying experience – not knowing if you’ll be allowed to go home afterwards, not knowing what to

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gun laying on a table

Criminal Defense

February 2, 2022
Criminal Defence
Can You Own an Assault Weapon in New York?

It is crucial for gun owners to fully understand the laws where they live. For example, gun owners in New York must know what constitutes an assault weapon. While these weapons are not banned according to state laws, they do require special attention from gun owners to ensure they remain in compliance. Here are a few

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