Criminal Trespassing and Its Special Circumstances

On Behalf of Law Office of Michael A. Schillinger, Esq.

January 3, 2022
Criminal Defence
Criminal Trespassing and Its Special Circumstances

Several New York statutes focus on the protection of private property. If you face trespass charges, the prosecutor must prove that you not only entered the property of another individual but that you did it purposefully. However, if he cannot show intent, you might avoid a conviction. According to Casetext, a person is guilty of trespass if

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Will a DWI Affect Your Nursing Career?

On Behalf of Law Office of Michael A. Schillinger, Esq.

December 24, 2021
Criminal Defence
Will a DWI Affect Your Nursing Career?

Having a DWI conviction on record is a serious deal. Not only can it impact your ability to seek higher education, but it can impact your chances of finding work in the future. As someone currently employed, you are not safe, either. A DWI can and often does impact the current jobs of those who

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Understanding Fraud for Property

On Behalf of Law Office of Michael A. Schillinger, Esq.

December 16, 2021
Criminal Defence
Understanding Fraud for Property

Mortgage fraud is a pervasive problem and one that the Federal Bureau of Investigations struggles to combat year after year. Mortgage fraud takes many forms, but schemes typically fall into one of two categories: fraud for profit and fraud for property. Fraud for property is unique in that people who commit it are generally not

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